The best investment one can ever make is in oneself! Not from a selfish, but from a loving and cherishing perspective. The flight rule - put the oxygen mask on yourself first - is a life rule. Taking care of yourself, and investing in your emotional, psychological, spiritual, and physical ecology bring huge ROIs into your personal and professional life! We all, especially those who have kids, are familiar with the state that you "suddenly" break. You lose your shit, yell for no reason, agitated, aggressive, tired, and feel suffocated! PUT THE OXYGEN MASK ON YOURSELF FIRST. At least you should have. You didn't. Now you feel suffocated and overwhelmed by life. As in training, knowing when to DELOAD is often more important than adding another plate, as small as it may seem. Here's my portfolio (pic) - As with any portfolio, I sell and trade my stocks from time to time, depending on the market, ergo my life. At the end of each month, I set quietly alone and... FEEL. Feel...
The Art of Girevoy Sport, Living and Lifting from Coach Michael Son