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Online Coaching

Custom-made training program

I coach people all over the world on Girevoy (Kettlebell) Sport technique, Barbell, Kettlebells for Fitness, total body mobility, low back rehab, and more! 

Your online coaching program includes a weekly-based personalized training plan tailored to your goals, your schedule, and your life. 

Your online coaching includes:
  • weekly update upon progression
  • video analysis if needed
  • technique tips and correction
  • asynchronous WhatsApp support
  • "Life-happens" respond and program update if needed
  • your schedule flexibility: business trips, vacations, family events, etc.
  • And more, way more, trust me :)
We work by 12-week blocks, using the WIN (What's Important Now) method.
We pick a goal. We nail a goal. We move on to the next one.

That's it.
Simple. Clear. Essential.

For more info and questions:
e-mail me at:
WhatsApp me directly -->> Here