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Showing posts from February, 2022

TRT Treatment - When & Why

Let's get one thing clear - I'm for TRT if, and probably when, my body will tell me so. Moreover, enjoying scientific progress to prolong the quality of my life - is smart! And hey, I'm paying taxes for it too. So do you. After, and if, you get closer to the 65 mark, your erection and blood test will hint that your number is up. Fine! Go to a doctor, see if it's legit and enjoy life till the lady in black will harvest your soul. I saw my grandpa dying tubed in, on a hospital bed, in his own excremantions. My grandpa was a great man, surviving and fighting WW2 - he deserved better. So, when, and again, IF I'm OLD, I intend to TRT my ass so I die either on a platform, doing my LC's, or hiking in some jungle - if I'm lucky enough, and God will do me a favor... TRT is good. But, not when you at your 40's! WTF is wrong with you people?! You BODY have enough of everything in your body to produce AMAZING results! However, your BRAIN is apparently lacking some s

Life Is Play

"But it's absolutely stupid to spend your time doing things you don't like in order to go on doing things you don't like and to teach your children to follow in the same track."  ~ Alan Watts Have YOU ever observed your life from that perspective? DO you bear things you "must" while dreaming about things you want? WHAT do you want? No, it's not an empty "coaching" speech. We already have too many of them. It's a strategic question. Question regarding our time here. Since we all eventually die - we can't really "win", which in return means - that we can not lose either. What do you want to do?! What makes you joy? Oh, then why do you do what you do now?! In English, I believe such a person is called an ASS... Now, let's make a sharp u-turn and ask ourselves - why do I train as I do? Does it bring ME joy? Or, I'm following masses would on a concept "it's good for you". An ass, by the way, is a smarter a

Doing Your Best Looks Different Every Day

In his book "Born to Run" (a must-read, in my humble opinion, not for runners as well), the author Christopher McDougall tells about Tarahumara Indians isolated by Mexico's deadly Copper Canyons, that have perfected the ability to run hundreds of miles without rest or injury. One sentence (there were more obviously) changed my life and attitude toward training: "The Tarahumara are described as drinking beer, dancing, laughing, and socializing around races, treating them more as a celebratory event of life than anything else. The ones who race do so without stretching or warming up. They win no prizes. Those who come in first hardly get any recognition for it, never mind praise... And despite their minimalist sandals and record-breaking pace, they SMILE while they run." ~ "Born to Run", Christopher McDougall, 2011 SMILE. Have you noticed people in Gym - working (themselves) out - as Opus Dei priests? The reason? "It's good for you" - would

The "Five reps is cardio" Bullshit Theory

The picture is funny Reality is not. The "5 reps is cardio 💩" attitude, so wildly and stupidly adopted by some, does much damage, still. Picture this - Your child must get to a hospital ASAP. You have 1.5-2 miles (not much) to carry him/her. Can you? What will you say at the burial service, if not? "Daddy doesn't run, it's cardio!" "At least have 40" biceps and single-digit body fat" "Oh, I'm sorry. I never did anything more than 5 reps" Well at least you're hissing and have perfect swing; WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE TODAY THAT THEY EMBRACE SHIT AND TATTOO SHIT (like cattle) WITHOUT EVEN THINKING?! Some will say: Do CrossFit man! Yeah right: run 100 m, put the dying child on the ground, do 5 burpees. Run another 200 m, do 10 thrusters (with the same dying child of yours) run 500 m, do 10 snatches with its corps... Well, at least it's stiff like a fat bar... Listen, it's not me, it's Budda who said: "L

Everything You Need to Know About Kettlebells

The ONE thing you need to know about kettlebells is that no seminar, book, masterclass, secret techniques, and selfies will get you anywhere (well, except maybe selfies). Practice, on the other hand, will! Diligent, consistent, systematized practice will teach you so much more! And, what's most important - it will be 100% personal. For it's your body, your anatomy, your levers, and your psyche. I've seen many people attending kettlebell masterclasses. I've met them later too. "Do you practice?" - I ask. "Well...... (fill in any excuse you like)" - I hear over and over again. Do you REALLY want to know everything you need to know about kettlebells? Start chalking! Shut up. Lift. No "secret" techniques bullshit. No "tweaking" and "refining". No bitching and fairytales about how "special" you are. Grind, bitch! Lift. When you do. For a year or so, you'll suddenly understand that you need far less seminars and

How To Scale Down Training When You're Sick

Shit happens. So does flu, cold, or any other type of disease. The most common and deadly of them is called LIFE... 😜 Yet, it's rarely a reason to stop training.  The question is HOW to train in order to progress and go THROUGH it, rather than falling INTO it. Side note: Please, please and PLEASE - use common scene and don't be a hero, when it concerns your own health!  There were times when I trained with relatively high fever, while on other occasions I took a step back - with minor one; After all, heroes live in cemeteries, you know... Back to our subject, A basic principle that needs to remember is that body fights whatever is inside (fever is an outcome), so it's ENOUGH STRESSED already. Meaning, that going for that 5x5 90% or sprinting is rather dumb. However, light "pump" in a gym and/or aerobics are, often an amazing buffer! For example, I like to swim and do some lightweight training for one thing only - HAPPY HORMONES !  Namely,  serotonin, dopamine,