Let's get one thing clear - I'm for TRT if, and probably when, my body will tell me so. Moreover, enjoying scientific progress to prolong the quality of my life - is smart! And hey, I'm paying taxes for it too. So do you. After, and if, you get closer to the 65 mark, your erection and blood test will hint that your number is up. Fine! Go to a doctor, see if it's legit and enjoy life till the lady in black will harvest your soul. I saw my grandpa dying tubed in, on a hospital bed, in his own excremantions. My grandpa was a great man, surviving and fighting WW2 - he deserved better. So, when, and again, IF I'm OLD, I intend to TRT my ass so I die either on a platform, doing my LC's, or hiking in some jungle - if I'm lucky enough, and God will do me a favor... TRT is good. But, not when you at your 40's! WTF is wrong with you people?! You BODY have enough of everything in your body to produce AMAZING results! However, your BRAIN is apparently lacking some s...
The Art of Girevoy Sport, Living and Lifting from Coach Michael Son