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Everything You Need to Know About Kettlebells

The ONE thing you need to know about kettlebells is that no seminar, book, masterclass, secret techniques, and selfies will get you anywhere (well, except maybe selfies).
Practice, on the other hand, will!
Diligent, consistent, systematized practice will teach you so much more!
And, what's most important - it will be 100% personal. For it's your body, your anatomy, your levers, and your psyche.

I've seen many people attending kettlebell masterclasses. I've met them later too.
"Do you practice?" - I ask.
"Well...... (fill in any excuse you like)" - I hear over and over again.

Do you REALLY want to know everything you need to know about kettlebells?
Start chalking!
Shut up.

No "secret" techniques bullshit.
No "tweaking" and "refining".
No bitching and fairytales about how "special" you are.
Grind, bitch!

When you do.
For a year or so, you'll suddenly understand that you need far less seminars and books than you thought.
And selfies?
Well, it's up to you too, I guess...
