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Life Is Play

"But it's absolutely stupid to spend your time doing things you don't like in order to go on doing things you don't like and to teach your children to follow in the same track." 
~ Alan Watts

Have YOU ever observed your life from that perspective?
DO you bear things you "must" while dreaming about things you want?
WHAT do you want?

No, it's not an empty "coaching" speech.
We already have too many of them.
It's a strategic question.
Question regarding our time here.
Since we all eventually die - we can't really "win", which in return means - that we can not lose either.

What do you want to do?!
What makes you joy?
Oh, then why do you do what you do now?!
In English, I believe such a person is called an ASS...

Now, let's make a sharp u-turn and ask ourselves - why do I train as I do?
Does it bring ME joy?
Or, I'm following masses would on a concept "it's good for you".
An ass, by the way, is a smarter animal than we are, by far;

"I see dead people."
~ The Sixth Sense, 1999

The gyms are packed with these people who intentionally suffer "because it's good for them", never even asking themselves - what I want to do?
Even worth, they blindly believe that they must do A in order to condition themselves to B.
If you want to run - run!
Lift? Lift!
Snatch kettlebell for an hour? Start from 1 minute!
Everything else - as good as it is - will and should become a supplement to the main thing that brings you joy!

“This is the real secret of life -- to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.”
~ Alan Watts

This is how I live and how I train,
Wishing you the same!
