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Master Denning KB Snatch & Steel Mace Swing 6 Week Protocol

I’ve promised Chris that I’ll write a Snatch & Mace cycle for him, It took me some time, but here you go - 6 weeks block to make you fit and entertained. This block is simple and straightforward. We focus on two lifts:  1. KB Snatch - Girevoy Sport style, ergo 10-minute set with One Hand Switch 2. Steel Mace 1/2 Marathon (30 minutes) of a movement of your choice: 2.1 Two-arm 360 or 10-2 2.2 Single-arm 360 or 10-2 That's it. Minimalistic and essential singular focus = results. Train Safe & Smart You can see and download the program HERE . Enjoy!

Case Study | Spinal Cord Injury Rehab | Intentional Training

Case study: Spinal Cord Injury: #cancer removal surgery: G. is a fine young man with a pretty smile and a family. He's a decent man. Accountant. Marathon (like true 42.2) #runner In 2020 he felt his back. Then, G. received the news nobody wishes to: he was diagnosed with spinal cancer and was operated. During the operation, his spinal cord was compromised - as a result: his R side is spastic and inhibited with severe loss of control and movement. G. came to me after he finished his initial #rehabilitation program, with a goal to "prepare himself for later years - where a stronger body is needed to support the "weaker parts" Getting from the floor by his own strength seemed impossible. At first. Now he does it for reps AND for time. Next goal is to make him run again.

Athletic mindset, Stock Market, and the Bullshit Express of our lives.

The stock market is merely one of the tools to invest and secure our future. What "becomes" of us, when we enter the game - is up to us. We're the ones who define the game and make the game a game. Same is true when it comes to Fitness and taking stock of our health. "Competitions", or for a better term - Events, are merely a tool for investing in our health, keeping us motivated, and scaling our own progress. Yet, as with the stock market - we're the ones who give meaning and define, or to be exact - make the game. In this episode, I invite you to redefine the game! It's about time we, hop off the bullshit express and swap self-deception for self-expression. Enjoy! See you in the next episode. P.s. My show on Spotify:

The Matrix, Unfair Life & Kettlebell Snatch

What will you tell to a teenager, almost 18 years old, almost out of his parent's nest? What will you tell a teenager that rightfully brings up the unfairness OF, and IN life? What will tell him, not to make him revolt against, but to be a part of and work with? How will you guide him through the Matrix of Life, that's objectively unfair? What will you tell YOUR kids when they come to you with the exact same question? This is WHAT I told him. This IS what I tell my son. This is my answer. This is the true conversation we held on Jan 10th, 2023, between sets. Listen, Think. Practice. You may give the same answer when the time is due... Enjoy, and I see you in the next chapter. More episodes: .

"The Magic Couple" | Steel Mace SA300 & KB TALC 4 Week Cycle

  Steel Mace does the same grace to shoulders, as Kettlebell does to the hips. The logical conclusion is to practice both of them. I've picked two simple, effective - ROI wise - and beautiful movements: Steel Mace SA 10 to 2, aka 300 Kettlebell TA Long Cycle You have: Two signature movements: rotation and hinging, namely, 360 and swing patterns. Multidimensional practice: sagittal and coronal planes.  Single-arm and Two Arm combination 4 weeks of dedicated practice 1 goal: 5 min sprint in both movements. Outline : 4-week block < 60 min duration Facility free Kettlebells (preferably competition type) and Steel Mace are your partners Weekly Distribution -  3 session / week : WAP progression for both movements Chose weight of Steel Mace and KB upon your personal experience, strength, and proficiency! The rest is in the Excel Sheet --->> HERE Those of you who follow me long enough know that I'm for simplicity and straightforwardness, be it in my writing, training, and l

Put The Oxygen Mask First!

The best investment one can ever make is in oneself! Not from a selfish, but from a loving and cherishing perspective. The flight rule - put the oxygen mask on yourself first - is a life rule. Taking care of yourself, and investing in your emotional, psychological, spiritual, and physical ecology bring huge ROIs into your personal and professional life! We all, especially those who have kids, are familiar with the state that you "suddenly" break. You lose your shit, yell for no reason, agitated, aggressive, tired, and feel suffocated! PUT THE OXYGEN MASK ON YOURSELF FIRST. At least you should have. You didn't. Now you feel suffocated and overwhelmed by life. As in training, knowing when to DELOAD is often more important than adding another plate, as small as it may seem. Here's my portfolio (pic) - As with any portfolio, I sell and trade my stocks from time to time, depending on the market, ergo my life. At the end of each month, I set quietly alone and... FEEL. Feel

Beware of Overspecialization

  Having a passion and practicing it is great! But when you see somebody doing something, be it a result, rank, etc., and your Ego raises its ugly head saying: "I want that goody too!" - that's the "overspecialization" I warn you from. Here's a truth we must admit: WE KNOW IT! The numbers in a powerlifting meet the ranks in girevoy sport, the average time to finish a race. Then why after seeing somebody we don't know and care about do it, we "suddenly" got our mojo working? It's our Ego, performing a "James Dean" stunt on our life and health. We begin to focus and train for "that goody" neglecting and leaving out good things behind. We stop growing and evolving. We're deaf and blind to our own souls and body. We begin to "overspecialize" for... for what my friend?  Who's life we're trying to emulate, dumping our own ?... This is a crossroad one should be very careful about! It's either being tru