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Showing posts from March, 2022


We want the "results" so demn much! Do we? Meanwhile, most of us if asked, don't know why, or "who" want these "results"; A good question rarely asked: "Who's Joneses you're so desperately trying to keep up with?" And even if so, do we even ENJOY the process? As the old king, who wanted a son so badly, that he impregnated nine women hoping to receive a hearer in one month - we push and push, until one day we either can't or have nothing to push altogether. One truly understands this quote by Emmerson , when injured. Then one is FORCED to pause. To reflect and re-evaluate. The bigger the self-abusement and deafness to one own body, and soul for that matter, the greater the injury, the longer the time to heal, and sometimes one dies prior too. Unless your name is Chronos , adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience.

Practice is what you feel. Not what you do.

There's a difference between performing an exercise and copying a movement Many people copy movements of squat, swing, pullups, crunch, etc... They do it with grace and style, and even post it on SM and have a massive following. Ironically, people who copy - don't have much glutes - although they squat, they develop biceps instead of massive back - despite many reps of pull-ups, and have their low back hurt but no six-pack - when they do a 1000 crunches. How so? Simple. Copying a movement is about getting to the right angles and MAKING IT LOOK CORRECT . Footnote:   strength movements are usually performed, at least what you see on SM, with light weights. Given their poor force distribution and lack of biomechanical understanding - light loads are the only thing they can handle. Performing an exercise, on the other hand, is about FEELING the EXACT MUSCLES involved and ENGAGED and DELIBERATE ACTIVATION of any muscle relevant for the given movement! Arnold, in his "Pumping Ir...

Warmup Routine for Snatch Practice

  Here's a quick video tutorial for Snatch Practice dedicated warmup. Total time 6-7 min. The rep range for non-kettlebell exercises is 10-20. Kettlebell exercises are done for 5-10 reps. Video is x2 speed. Enjoy.


  Here's a quick hack for programming Girevoy Sport sets - Your TOTAL LIFTING time must be somewhere between 100-120% ergo, 10 to 12 min. Examples: 1. 5x2 min / 2 min rest 2 . 2 min + 5 min + 4 min / rest 1:1 3. 6 min + 4 min in gloves 4. 8 min + 4 min heaier #kettlebell and so on... Enjoy the journey! 🔗 Visit my FREE PROGRAMS section for training protocols. 📧 DM me If you want YOUR process.

Sequence Matters!

Here's a riddle for you: You MUST wipe your ass and your nose and there's not enough toilet paper to do both. In which order do you proceed? The answer is pretty obvious, alas you have a thing for Coprophilia - the nose goes first, then an ass follows. Genius! So how come we train and live exactly by the opposite? Our nose, at least anatomically, is closer to our brain than our ass. Thus, the logic implies that we THINK FIRST and act (ass is the prime mover of legs, still) after. Yet, we often manage to fvck it up, and proudly execute the complete opposite. Picking heavier loads and rushing through the program - to make an Ego case - and injuring yourself, "to learn" that you needed (past tense is irreversible) to start lighter. The irony is that you KNEW you should. Saying words or doing things, that you regret and try to make up, for the rest of your life. The irony is that you KNEW you shouldn't. We all have our fair share of such memories. I certainly do. Lear...

Discipline Is Overrated

Let's begin with a quote by Derek Sivers: “If knowledge was the answer, we’d all be billionaires with six-pack abs” How many of us "know" stuff? How many of us can write Ph.D.'s on nutrition, periodization, family, success, money? Lastly, how many of us actually DID something with that knowledge to produce RESULTS? Knowledge is only POTENTIAL power, alas we PUT IT into action! Same is true for discipline. If discipline was the case - we'll live forever happy with our first partner, we would keep the same job, play the same instrument we played at 1st grade, eat the same food, wear pretty much the same clothes, keep the same training routine and more, till death comes for us. Or, to put it more precisely, we'd all be soldiers. Cold. Orders & objectives driven. Disciplined. Dead. However it's not the case, does it? There's something else out there. Some "Thing" lurks deep in our hearts. "Thing" that wants to break free. That ...

The Five Phases of Steel Mace Flow

Steel Mace Flow is an AMAZING tool for Neuro-muscular connection (aka coordination), proprioception, movement efficiency, self-awareness, and re-connection with your body - when, like a great Samurai warrior, you become one with the mace. Flow has 5 main phases: 1. You Learn - this is where you feel like a retard, trying to figure out WTF while pausing the video each 3-5 sec or so 2. You Remember - here, you remember the sequence but it feels ugly, slow, staggering and you're convinced that's "it's not for you". 3. You Flow - your nervous system has finally got it - you FLOW! Both of you move as one unit. The breath is subtle and the timing is perfect. 4. You Create - in this final phase, you ADD your own moves and transitions. It comes organically from within you. No effort. Pure evolution. Congratulations, you're done! The Flow has thought all, and there's nothing more to learn. Once you remember, flow and add - you've come to a dead-end, alas yo...

Ab Training for Girevoy Sport and more

I believe it was Bruce Lee who said: "People who don't practice martial arts, don't know how important biceps are!"Be it Mr. Lee or not, the statement is true not for biceps alone. Same as, the "Five reps is cardio" bullshit statement, the "I do #squats and #deadlift - that my ab workout" notion must be put to death too. Allow me to skip further elaboration on a subject, alas you wish me to write a book on the "Methodology of Physical Education", and get right to the point of this post - All muscles are equal! (not to be confused with - prioritization and significance. It's programming!) Abs are muscle too! (All) Muscles must be practiced to achieve holistic development of the Human Body. Abs are part of a bigger group, namely the CORE that works together in synergy to provide stabilization for the spine and force transmission to the CURRENTLY PRIORITIZED muscles. Example: supporting the upper body in a squat - where leg muscles are p...

Levi's "BMF" Double KB Cycle for LC, Half-Snatch & Snatch

"What do you do, to look how you look?" A question people often ask my dear friend, colleague, and student Levi Markwardt . "Eat. Sleep. Train (smart). Repeat." - Levi answers. However, I want to go one step further and share with you HOW he trains. I asked  Levi if it was ok to share one of his training blocks? He generously granted me permission to do so.  Please welcome -  Levi's "BMF" (bad motherfucker) Double KB Cycle. His latest 4 weeks block I've conducted for him, on Feb 27, 2022 Get your leggings out, and chalk on. Because, if you want to look like Levi - you'd better train like him! Outline : 4-week block Up to 30 min duration Kettlebells (preferably competition type) Weekly Distribution -  4 sessions / week : 1. LC 2. Hsn 3. Sn 4. TRM Test Session Structure : ▪️  This cycle focus on the Classic GS event time, ergo 10 min set. ▪️ Session 1-3 you'll work 60% from Competition Time, namely 6 min. except for the  Snatch (session A) wi...