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"Two of a Kind" Snatch and Deadlift Protocol

Snatch and Deadlift fall under the same Fundamental Movement Pattern (FMP) - hinge, aka bending from the hips.

Combined, they supplement the posterior chain (spine erectors) with Strength And Endurance qualities, ergo working both the Nervous and Metabolic Systems.

I've used this protocol back in 2014 when I trained along with Weightlifters and observed their practice structure, experimenting with the fusion of WL and GS (Girevoy Sport).

So, let's lift! Shell we?

2 x 4-week blocks
60-90 min duration
Weight Lifting / Powerlifting barbell set
Kettlebells (preferably competition type)

Weekly Distribution - 3 session / week:
1. Snatch (main) + DL + GPP
2. DL (main) + Snatch + GPP
3. Snatch + DL + GPP

MB - Main Bell
MB -1 - Main Bell One Size Down
MB +1 - Main Bell One Size Up
rpm - reps per minute
SHS - Single Hand Switch 
TRM - Technical Repetition Max
BB - Barbell
DB - Dumbbell
GPP - General Physical Preparation

Session Structure:
1. Snatch (main) + DL + GPP

A1) Snatch x 6 min 
Tempo > 16-20 rpm

A2) Swing-Snatch x 3 min 
MB + 1 / SHS
Tempo > 14 rpm 

B) RDL 4x8 / RIR 2

  • Back Squat 3x10 / RIR 3  |  rest 1-1:30 min
  • Pull-ups 3x75% from max  |  rest 1-1:30 min
  • Plank 90 - 120 sec

2. DL (main) + Snatch + GPP

A) Snatch in Cotton Gloves x 6 min
MB -1 / SHS
tempo > 16 rpm

B) DL 6x3 / 80-85% from TRM max  |  rest 3-5 min

  • DB Dynamic Lunges 4x8 / leg  | rest 1-1:30 min
  • Cable rows 4x12 / RIR 2  |  rest 1-1:30 min
  • Hollow position 60-90 sec

3. Snatch + DL + GPP

A) Snatch x 4 min
MB +1 / SHS
Tempo > 15 rpm
B) SLDL x 30 / 25-30% from max  

  • BB Front Squat 3x10 / RIR 3
  • BB Military Press 3x10 / RIR 3
  • Burpees x 40
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1. Snatch
Session 1
A1) Add 30 sec each week
A2) week 1-4: tempo progression
week 5-8: add 1 min (4 min set), scale down the tempo and start over 

Session 2
Tempo progression.
If you maxed out tempo - switch to MB

Session 3
week 5-8: add between 1 to 2 min

2. DL 
Session 1
Old school style - add load when can

Session 2
week 1-4:
Add 1 rep each practice 
week 5-8:
Wave 2 reps back and start over. 
Example: you finished week 4 at 6 reps, go down to 4 reps on week 5 and continue the cycle till 7 reps on week 8.
NOTE: drop-down weight if the technique is compromised!

Session 3
Add 5-10 reps each week

3. GPP
Old school style - add load when can
Feel free to adopt / change exercises upon exhaustion, feel, fun, demand, week points, etc. 

Final thoughts:
  • As any training template: "KnowThyself" as notoriously said the Delphy Oracle.
  • It may take you from one to two weeks to calibrate your numbers on a bar and bell size prior to engaging in the 8-week journey.
  • When finished - re-test the DL and go Up one size in kettlebell.
  • And most importantly - enjoy the journey and learning curve!

Safe trip.
Coach Michael
