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Showing posts from January, 2022

Interval Training. Why and How.

Unlike my friend Levi I hate and fear Interval training. In Snatch - it's the pace that makes you doubt. In Jerk and #longcycle it's the rest periods that make you quit before the fight. Intervals are an amazing tool in any #athlete toolkit, and in Girevoy Sport (GS) is bread and butter. However, in GS they are often misused and abused by amateurs and dumb trainers who know shit and understand even less 🙄🙄 Let's set the record straight, she'll we? • When you do intervals, you get better in?.. Well, intervals, not the time! Things that make you go, hmmm WTF?!.. • The ⏱️ is the ONLY GOD in Girevoy Sport! First, and in most cases, the last thing you do, is working up the time! When you nail 10 minutes in classic or 30 to 60 min. in the alternative disciplines, then and only then you may consider pacing. • 💰 Intervals are a tool for: 1. Grip conditioning (Gloves fall under the same category) 2. Pushing your HR threshold ⬆️ - it's useful at the last min

The Rise of Fitness Porn

Fat Girl sits on a bike. Phone in her palm. Thumb is bussy sliding to the right. That's the only effort she does. Legs, as forgotten children, do some hectic spins from time to time. I walk by and accidentally glance at her phone - she's in IG. Sliding slim and sexy fitness models she follows, as if it's Tinder... Slim dude is frozen on an Incline bench. Dumbbells are at his side, patiently waiting to be picked up and done something. He's in his phone. Intense, as someone who prepares to break his Squat PR. Eyes still. I walk by and accidentally glance at his phone - he's in IG. Watching some pharmacologically enhanced dude does the "Best Chest Exercises for Massive Growth" These aren't fruits of my morning-coffee imagination but real people observed in my gym. Somehow, I'm sure that you've seen it them your gym too. They are never satisfied with "one flick" and sliding for more - and the more they slide, the less satisfied they are.

"Two of a Kind" Snatch and Deadlift Protocol

Snatch and Deadlift fall under the same Fundamental Movement Pattern (FMP) - hinge, aka bending from the hips. Combined, they supplement the posterior chain (spine erectors) with Strength And Endurance qualities, ergo working both the Nervous and Metabolic Systems. I've used this protocol back in 2014 when I trained along with Weightlifters and observed their practice structure, experimenting with the fusion of WL and GS (Girevoy Sport). So, let's lift! Shell we? Outline : 2 x 4-week blocks 60-90 min duration Weight Lifting / Powerlifting barbell set Kettlebells (preferably competition type) Weekly Distribution -  3 session / week : 1. Snatch (main) + DL + GPP 2. DL (main) + Snatch + GPP 3. Snatch + DL + GPP Glossary : MB - Main Bell MB -1 - Main Bell One Size Down MB +1 - Main Bell One Size Up rpm - reps per minute SHS - Single Hand Switch  TRM - Technical Repetition Max BB - Barbell DB - Dumbbell GPP - General Physical Preparation Session Structure : 1. Snatch (main) + DL