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Movement, especially animal patterns, is vastly abused by the Fitness industry where everyone tries to bite his part of a pie.

Complex, often over-complex.combos
Gymnastic strength performance variations
Are merely systems to entertain fed up, lazy, dull, and unfortunately dumb people, endlessly speaking the "next best thing", hopping from program to program finishing none ever.

There's a crowd of strong and dedicated practitioners, aka "movers, devoted to their craft and the system of choice.
However, they are not the scope of this article and deserve their own writing.

In a nutshell, animal movement is about a bio-motor development sequence of a child, for there's an amazing similarity in infants of most primates.

Thus, practicing animal walking and movement through space, one is precising a connection with his own body and deepens the understanding of human-machine as a holistic piece of engineering art.

Here are the main characteristics and aims of the main ones:

Duck walk
Squat patterns
Open and maintain hip joint mobility and ROM
Dissociates spine (lumbar) from the hip - crucial for proper biomechanics, strength production, movement, and back pain prevention.

Bear walk
