Success is forced upon us. It's as fake as the teeth of those gurus and coaches,.brainwashing us to chase (what?), become (who?), aim for (why?) THEY wake up at 04 am Meditate (for an hour) Work out (for 2-3 hours) Check THEIR investment stream Read mails Seal contracts Sex THEIR wife's Take kids to schools and kindergartens And it's not even 08 am... Yet, this post is not about THEM. It's about YOU! "It's the snake! He gave me an apple..." ~ Eve, book of Genesis We all know what happened next. God threw Adam & Eve and punished the snake, and at this exact point, things went wrong! Eve was the first to take the VICTIMS stance and got away with that! - It's not me, it's THEM! - sound familiar? How often have YOU taken that position to excuse yourself from responsibility for YOUR actions, decisions & choices? How often have YOU blamed THEM for all the mess in YOUR life? How easy and convenient it is? How blessed YOU are that THEY exist in you...
The Art of Girevoy Sport, Living and Lifting from Coach Michael Son