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The Wandering Ape Hybrid Training Protocol

Welcome to the "Wandering Ape" Hybrid Training Protocol for Girevoy  (Kettlebell) Sport and General Strength (GPP) for novice and experienced lifters.


Here's a short video I've made for you, summing up basic Guidelines and Howtos for this protocol:

Here's a DIRECT LINK in case the video doesn't play.

The Guidelines in a nutshell:
1. The program is for everybody.

Starting from novices who wish to "touch base" with GS, and experienced lifters who seek maintenance between competitions, or simply want to "take things easy" for a while.
2. Treat it as a "Lego".
Feel free to do what you can do, know how to do it, have time and equipment to do it, etc.
3. Training Week Outline
You have four training days. One for each main GS lift: Jerk, Snatch & LC, and one for General Strength (GPP) and assistance work.
4. Exercise selection.
The exercises in this program, GS and GPP, are drawn from my personal experience, and the experience of my trainees as simple and effective.
Remember: Variety Kills Progress.
5. How to manage the load and progress.
The GPP section is self-explanatory - progressive overload is the key.
When "easy" - add weight and grind.
The GS section goes by the following logic:
- short duration --> higher load
- long duration --> lower load
e.g. 4x3 min with 20-24 kg and 1x7 min with 16-20
tempo is dictated by technique - as long as technique is solid, you may push the envelope. If it's not - no reason to risk injury.
6. Assistance Exercises for GS
Assistance exercises are used when you need to nail down / polish your technique. 
However, if your technique is good and solid - why should you do assistance work?
If you're stuck or hit a plateau you can't move beyond - seek advice from GS Coach - you probably need a tailored program, a rather general one.

That's about it.
Take your time and go over the sheet.
Pick an exercise, free time in your schedule, chalk hands and bells, and -
Enjoy the journey!

P.s. Feel free to reach out and DM for any questions or if you wish to apply for online coaching.
You can reach me via e-mail at: or by direct WhatsApp message.

Here's an instructional video on how to download, edit and save the file to your Drive account:

Here's a DIRECT LINK in case the video doesn't play.